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2016年第9卷第10期 (总第106期)

2016年第9卷第10期 (总第106期)


  1 工业和信息化部办公厅关于开展绿色制造体系建设的通知

  3 关于印发《关于推进农业废弃物资源化利用试点的方案》的通知

  5 关于印发农业综合开发区域生态循环农业项目指引(2017—2020年)的通知


  8 甘肃省循环经济发展水平分析 /谢元博, 李越, 朱黎阳

  14 高载能产业低碳循环经济发展模式的风险及对策研究——以某区域循环经济示范项目为例 /张一弛


  20 解决青岛西海岸新区生活垃圾问题的思路模式 /周汉城

  24 促进一次性消费品减量升级的思路与措施 /张菲菲

  29 中国电子垃圾的回收现状、政策分析及其建议 /黄惠娥, 李丽萍, 吴晓滨, 等


  33 废旧线路板中非金属材料回收利用技术研究进展 /黄祝泉, 陈平钦, 崔雪潮, 等

  37 废电路板与集成电路稀贵金属提取工艺的比对与选取原则 /刘正, 杨敬增, 白建峰, 等

  41 烟梗热解气化制取生物炭方法探索 /付兵, 杨兵, 朱鹏飞, 等


  (45)一种利用废旧铅酸电池的活性物质制备新铅酸电池的方法 ■以废铅蓄电池中的含铅化合物为原料制备铅蓄电池正极板的方法 ■一种废旧锂离子电池中钴酸锂和石墨的回收方法 ■一种将废旧电池碳材料制备成污水吸附剂的方法 ■一种锂离子电池的资源化回收方法


  (13)启迪桑德构建再生资源新业态 (19)盈创回收入选商务部再生资源回收创新案例集 (23)首届中国回收纸行业大会圆满结束 (28)唐华俊院士正式受聘担任中再生协会农林废弃物分会专家委员会主任 (44)废钢行业再入困境 年内曙光难现

  (46)关于转发“全球环境基金电子废物POPs减排全额示范项目之中国电器电子产品生态设计管理与技术政策研究的招标公告”的通知 ■北京:废品贴二维码可换生活用品 ■2016年9月全国报废机动车回收情况 ■工业资源综合利用政策培训班在青岛举行



  谢元博, 李越, 朱黎阳

  (中国国际工程咨询公司, 北京 100048)

  摘要: 通过对《甘肃省循环经济总体规划》5类24项指标的达标情况进行分析,提出资源产出类指标高于西部其他省份和全国平均水平,资源消耗类、资源综合利用类指标西部领先,污染物排放指标处于西部中等水平,可再生能源占能源生产比重指标远高于全国平均水平。《甘肃省循环经济总体规划》实施以来,甘肃省循环经济发展成效明显,但存在工业固体废物综合利用、工业用水重复利用、城市生活垃圾无害化处置和城市污水再生利用偏低的问题。建议下一步根据薄弱环节,与规划目标分别制定相关政策措施,以更好地推进甘肃省建设。

  关键词: 循环经济; 甘肃省; 评价指标; 固废利用; 水资源利用

  中图分类号: F124.5; X37 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0008-06

  Analysis on the development level of circular economy

  in Gansu Province

  XIE Yuanbo, LI Yue, ZHU Liyang

  (China International Engineering Consultation Company, Beijing 100048, China)

  Abstract: This paper analyzed the complement of the overall planning of the circular economy in Gansu province, which contains 5 classes indicators and 24 specific evaluation indicators. It proposed that resource output indicators are higher than other western provinces and the national average level; resource consumption and comprehensive utilization of resources class indicators are lower than other western provinces; indicators of pollutant emissions are at the middle level in the west; the proportion of renewable resources is far higher than the national average level. Since the overall planning was carried out, the circular economy development in Gansu has achieved remarkable success. Meanwhile, the utilization rates of industrial solid waste, industrial water reuse and municipal sewage reclamation and the ratio of municipal solid waste disposal are low. So it is advised that Gansu province should formulate relevant policies and measures based on weaknesses and planning objectives to progressing its construction.

  Keywords: circular economy; Gansu; evaluation indicator; solid waste utilization; water resource utilization

  (收稿日期 2016-04-22)





  (华中科技大学, 湖北 武汉 430074)

  摘要: 中国政府强力引导低碳清洁发展,但政府纲要和指导意见中关于高载能产业循环经济发展的支持政策不够明确,实施过程中将会存在许多重大风险因素。本案例中发现的问题也是其他高载能产业低碳循环经济项目需要规避的风险。运用经济控制理论,将循环经济体看作离散时间动态系统,搭建循环经济体的状态空间模型,运用风险管理的思维和方法,识别循环经济体内的具体风险,提出对策,利用高载能产业循环经济管理上的确定性,应对发展中的不确定性。

  关键词: 高载能产业; 循环经济; 风险管理; 经济控制论; 离散时间动态系统

  中图分类号: F124.5; X37 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0014-06

  Risks and countermeasures to the Low-Carbon Circular Economy development model of energy-intensive industry

  — A case analysis of regional recycling economy demonstration project

  ZHANG Yichi

  (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)

  Abstract: Chinese Government strongly guide low-carbon clean development, but the policy support in framework and guidance is not clear. Therefore, there will be many key risk factors in the implementation process. Existing problems in this case are also the risk factors in similar programs. In this paper, circular economy program was regarded as a Discrete Time dynamical system, and the State-space models were set up based on the control theory. At the same time, specific risks were identified using the method and thinking of risk management, and the countermeasures were proposed that it should solve the uncertainty in development with the certainty in management.

  Keywords: risk management; Low-Carbon Circular Economy; Economic Control Theory; Discrete Time Dynamical System(收稿日期 2016-08-01)




  (中国再生资源回收利用协会, 北京 100052)

  摘要: 梳理了青岛市和西海岸新区城市固废现状和处理能力缺口,专门针对西海岸新区生活垃圾问题,提出由规范化再生资源企业为运营主体,构建生活垃圾环卫、回收和处理一体化运营模式,为政府提供城市固废一揽子服务,打造垃圾分类、回收、环卫、保洁、厨余资源化利用、再生资源加工和固废终端处理产业链条,为蓝海经济的发展提供生态环境支撑。这种环卫回收一体化模式,对传统再生资源企业转型具有重要借鉴意义。

  关键词: 青岛; 垃圾分类; 两网融合; 运营模式

  中图分类号: X799.3 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0020-04

  Idea and mode for life garbage solution

  in west coast new district in Qingdao

  ZHOU Hancheng

  (China Recycling Association, Beijing 100052, China)

  Abstract: Current situation and problems of urban solid waste treatment in west coast new district in Qingdao was surveyed. Aiming at the life garbage problems in west coast new district, this paper suggested that with the normative recycling enterprise as the operation subject, the system of environmental sanitation, recycling and treatment of life garbage be established. So that a package of treatment service of urban solid waste could be provided, and a industrial chain of garbage sorting, recycling, environmental sanitation, clean-keeping, kitchen waste utilization, resource reuse and terminal treatment will be established, which provides ecological support for the Blue Ocean Economy. This new mode is a good reference for transformation of traditional recycling enterprises.

  Keywords: Qingdao; garbage sorting; integration of garbage collection and recycling; operation mode

  (收稿日期 2016-10-08)




  (南开大学 环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300350)

  摘要: 介绍了一次性消费品的主要种类、数量及消费特点,对于一次性消费品的优势与弊病进行了分析,并提出了促进一次性消费品减量升级的总体思路与疏堵措施。一次性消费品根植于人们的便利性需求,带动了相关产业的发展,其经济性符合市场规律。同时,一次性消费品也存在浪费资源、难以处置以及安全方面的问题。因此,从一次性消费品的生产者、提供者和消费者出发,疏堵结合,引导合理、环保的消费需求,减少浪费、污染的消费行为,促进一次性消费品减量升级。

  关键词: 一次性消费品; 减量; 升级; 需求

  中图分类号: F124.5; X37 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0024-05

  The strategy and measures to promote the reduction and

  upgrade of single-use product

  ZHANG Feifei

  (College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China)

  Abstract: The paper introduced the main kinds, quantity and consumption characters of the single-use products, analyzed the advantages and shortages of them, and proposed some strategies and measures to reduce and upgrade the consumption. The single-use products root in the demand for convenience, bring about relative industries and meet the market rules. At the meantime, the problems exist such as resource waste, disposal difficulty and health issues. So the goods should be guided and the bads should be blocked for the producer, provider and consumer. Then the reasonable and environmental demand could be satisfied, and the consumption causing waste and pollution could be reduced.

  Keywords: single-disposal product; reduction; upgrade; demand

  (收稿日期 2016-08-25)



  黄惠娥, 李丽萍, 吴晓滨, 卢耀贵

  (汕头大学 医学院, 广东 汕头 515041)

  摘要: 随着我国电子产品使用的快速增长,电子垃圾的资源回收越来越受到人们的重视。如何实现有效的电子垃圾回收,减少环境污染,促进资源科学合理利用,已成为人们关注的焦点。本文综述了我国电子垃圾的回收情况和主管部门政策的分析,借鉴国外已证实的先进经验,对我国电子垃圾回收提出建议。

  关键词: 电子垃圾; 回收; 政策分析

  中图分类号: X705 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0029-04

  Status, policy analysis and suggestions on

  electronic waste recycling in China

  HUANG Huie, LI Liping, WU Xiaobin, LU Yaogui

  (Shantou University Medical College, Shantou 515041, China)

  Abstract: Along with the increasingly rapid growth of the electronic products used in China, the electronic waste recycling has got more attention. It should be concerned how to implement effective e-waste recycling, reduce environmental pollution and promote the resource utilization.This paper reviewed the condition of e-waste recycling in China and analyzed the policy. With lessons from advanced experiences in foreign countries, it put forward some suggestions on e-waste recycling in China.

  Keywords: e-waste; recycling; policy analysis

  (收稿日期 2016-05-31)



  黄祝泉, 陈平钦, 崔雪潮, 钱庆荣

  (福建师范大学 环境科学与工程学院, 福建 福州350108)

  摘要: 总结了废旧线路板中非金属材料的回收意义和回收利用技术研究现状。重点介绍了废旧线路板中非金属材料的物理法、热解法和溶剂法回收利用技术研究进展及其实际应用现状。在此基础上,分析了今后废旧线路板中非金属回收利用技术研究发展趋势。

  关键词: 废旧线路板; 非金属材料; 回收利用; 技术研究; 进展

  中图分类号: X705 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0033-04

  Progress in research of recycling technology of

  non-metallic materials in waste printed circuit board

  HUANG Zhuquan, CHEN Pingqin, CUI Xuechao, QIAN Qingrong

  (College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350108, China)

  Abstract: The recycling meaning and the recycling technology research status of the non-metallic materials in waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) were summarized in this paper. The progress in recycling approaches such as physical method, pyrolysis method and solution method and their actual application were mainly introduced. On the basis of comprehensive comparing of the recycling methods, the recycling technology development trends of the non-metallic materials in waste printed circuit board was prospected.

  Keywords: waste printed circuit board; non-metallic materials;recycle and utilization;technology research; progress

  (收稿日期 2016-08-05)



  刘正1,3, 杨敬增2, 白建峰1,3, 王景伟1,3

  (1. 上海第二工业大学 电子废弃物研究中心, 上海 201209;

  2. 中国电子工程设计院, 北京 100142;

  3. 上海电子废弃物资源化协同创新中心, 上海 201209)

  摘要: 废弃电路板与集成电路中存在较高含量的稀贵金属,采用先进工艺将其高收率提取出来,不仅具有重要经济意义,也可以有效保护生态环境。通过分析我国回收处理与再利用现状,结合国内外技术与设备特点,兼顾基金补贴支撑下的产业建设特点,对于相关工艺进行比对研究,并针对不同企业特点提出技术和工艺选取原则,以促进产业向精细化和高值化方向发展。

  关键词: 废弃电路板; 贵金属提取; 工艺选取

  中图分类号: X705 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0037-05

  Comparison and selection principles of the extraction process of

  rare precious metals from waste printed circuit boards

  and integrated circuits

  LIU Zheng1,3, YANG Jingzeng2, BAI Jianfeng1,3, Wang Jingwei1,3

  (1. WEEE Research Center, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China;

  2. China Electronics Engineering Design Institute, Beijing 100142, China;

  3. Shanghai Cooperative Center of WEEE Recycling, Shanghai 201209, China)

  Abstract: There is a high content of rare precious metal in the waste circuit board and the integrated circuit. It can be extracted from the high yield with advanced technology, which is not only of great economic significance, but also beneficial to the ecological environment effectively. Through the analysis of the current situation of recycling and reuse in China, combining the characteristics of technology and equipment home and abroad, the related technologies were compared taking into account the characteristics of the industrial construction with fund subsidies. The principles of technology and process selection for different enterprise characteristics were put forward, in order to promote the development of the industry oriented to fine and high value utilization.

  Keywords: waste printed circuit board;extraction of rare metal;process selection(收稿日期 2016-07-21)



  付兵1, 杨兵1, 朱鹏飞2, 毕妍燕1, 崔云翔2

  (1. 云南省烟草烟叶公司, 云南 昆明 650217;

  2. 苏州格瑞展泰再生能源有限公司, 江苏 苏州 215024)

  摘要: 面对越来越严峻的能源形势以及不断恶化的生态环境,加快对清洁的可再生能源的开发与利用已经迫在眉睫。以烟梗为研究对象,对其气化技术展开了系统的研究,对于研究烟梗的无害化处置和资源化利用具有重要的意义。

  关键词: 烟梗; 气化热解; 固废处置; 生物质炭; 热解反应器

  中图分类号: X38; S572 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)10-0041-04

  Study on the preparing method of biological carbon

  by pyrolysis and gasification of tobacco stems

  FU Bing 1, YANG Bing1, ZHU Pengfei2, BI Yanyan1, CUI Yunxiang2

  (1. Yunnan Tobacco Company, Kunming 650217, China;

  2. Suzhou Grenada Zhantai Renewable Energy Co. Ltd., Suzhou 215024, China)

  Abstract: Along with increasingly severe energy situation and the deteriorating ecological environment, it is imminent to speed up the development and utilization of clean renewable energy. In this paper, taking tobacco stem as the research object, the gasification technology of the system was studied, which is of great significance to the research of the harmless disposal and resource utilization of tobacco stem.

  Keywords: tobacco stalk; gasification; pyrolysis; waste disposal; biomass carbon; pyrolysis reactor

  (收稿日期 2016-09-12)