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2016年第9卷第8期 (总第104期)
1 国家发展改革委环资司关于就《循环发展引领计划》 (征求意见稿)向社会公开征求意见的公告
7 工业和信息化部办公厅关于组织申报京津冀及周边地区工业资源综合利用产业协同发展示范工程项目的通知
9 珠三角区域资源环境可持续性研究 /李惠萌,齐水冰,杨帆, 等
15 循环经济发展战略部署及其引领计划 /马翠玲
19 “十三五”时期再生资源回收体系建设任务探讨 /廉波, 常相军, 邱明琦, 等
24 北京市中小学生校服回收及再利用教育现状调查 /魏爽, 郭燕
27 大中型再生资源企业财务共享中心的构建与实施 /徐多林
31 废线路板资源化回收技术研究与展望 /赵斌, 武晓燕, 魏显珍, 等
35 江苏省“十二五”废弃电器电子产品定点拆解及环境管理 /余辉, 吴军莲, 蔡璐, 等
39 沼气生态系统建设问题探讨 /宋海军, 马梦娟
42 间歇曝气下膜生物反应器的脱氮效果与污泥特性研究 /李晓阳
(45)一种塔叠式废旧冰箱破碎设备 ■一种废冰箱的回收利用工艺 ■一种废冰箱的拆解工作台 ■废旧电视机外壳破碎机 ■废旧电视机拆解方法及其设备 ■用于冰箱回收的分拣设备
(8)中国(天津)垃圾处理处置技术高峰论坛通知暨征文启事 (14)新版《国家危险废物名录》已施行 豁免管理环节需注意 (23)“两网融合”产业创新协作体苏州、上海、杭州调研 (30)北京成立城市管理委员会 (46)废铅酸蓄电池再利用通过评价
■河北立法禁止城市垃圾和危险废物“上山下乡” ■企业将在年内出台新能源二手车回收计划 ■京津冀再生资源产值明年达2 200亿元 ■中再生协会危废专委会赴上海市固体废物处置中心考察交流
Established in 2008
Vol.9 No.8 2016
(Serial No.104)
9 Research on sustainability of resource and environment in Pearl-River Delta /LI Huimeng, QI Shuibing, YANG Fan, et al
15 Strategic plan for the development of circular economy and its leading plan /MA Cuiling
19 Discussion on the target of recycling system construction in the 13th Five-Year period /LIAN Bo, CHANG Xiangjun, QIU Mingqi, et al
24 Recycling and reusing education present situation investigation of the primary and middle school students of Beijing /WEI Shuang, GUO Yan
27 Construction and implementation of large and medium sized renewable resources enterprises' financial sharing center /XU Duolin
31 Research and prospects of recycling technology of waste printed circuit boards /ZHAO Bin,WU Xiaoyan, WEI Xianzhen, et al
35 The appointed disassemble & environment management of waste and worn electrical appliance and electronic products during the 12th Five-Year Plan in Jiangsu province /YU Hui, WU Junlian, CAI Lu, et al
39 Discussion on the construction of biogas ecosystem /SONG Haijun, MA Mengjuan
42 Research on the nitrogen removal efficiency and sludge characteristics of membrane bioreactor under intermittent aeration /LI Xiaoyang
李惠萌, 齐水冰, 杨帆, 涂燕红, 江伟, 王逸飞, 李伟杰
(广东环境保护工程职业学院, 广东 佛山 528216)
摘要: 珠江三角洲地区是我国改革开放的先行地区,是我国重要的经济中心区域。但伴随着高人口密度与经济强度的是紧张的区域资源环境压力。从珠江三角洲区域的资源环境现状解析、资源环境压力分析、可持续性分析等3个方面来剖析现阶段珠江三角洲区域资源环境的可持续性,以期对后续该区域的经济社会环境可持续发展提供现实依据。
关键词:珠江三角洲区域; 资源环境; 可持续性
中图分类号: F062.2 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0009-06
Research on sustainability of resource and
environment in Pearl-River Delta
LI Huimeng, QI Shuibing, YANG Fan, TU Yanhong, JIANG Wei, WANG Yifei, LI Weijie
(Guangdong Vocational College of Environmental Protection Engineering, Foshan 528216, China)
Abstract: Pearl River Delta is the pioneer area for the reform and opening up in China, which is also the important economic center. The regional resource and environment pressure grows with the high population density and economic intensity. The resource and environment sustainability of Pearl River Delta was analyzed in three aspects: current situation, pressure and sustainability, so as to provide references for economic, social and environmental sustainable development.
Keywords: Pearl River Delta, resource and environment; sustainability(收稿日期 2016-08-02)
(甘肃行政学院 经济学部, 甘肃 兰州730010)
摘要: 循环经济发展战略部署及其引领计划安排是对绿色发展新理念的贯彻落实。循环发展引领计划是党的十八届五中全会会议上部署的一项重要工作,目前,国家发展循环经济工作部际联席会议正在抓紧制定和编制《循环发展引领计划》和《生产者责任延伸制度方案》。以《甘肃省循环经济总体规划》实施成效和重庆市PPP投融资模式改革经验为例,从循环经济发展战略部署、循环发展引领计划和循环经济制度建设等三方面发挥对实践创新的咨询作用。
关键词: 循环经济; 战略部署; 引领计划; 制度建设
中图分类号: F124.5 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0015-04
Strategic plan for the development of
circular economy and its leading plan
MA Cuiling
(Gansu Institute of Public Administration, Lanzhou 730000, China)
Abstract: Strategic plan for the development of circular economy and its leading plan is the implementation of the new concept of green development. The cycling development planning is an important work for deployment of party on the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. At present, Inter-ministerial meeting of national development circulation economy is formulating and preparing the Circulation Development lead Plan and the Producer Responsibility System Solutions. This article based on the implementation effect of Gansu province's Circular Economy Master Planning and the PPP financing model reform experience in Chongqing as an example, the strategic deployment of development circular economy, circulation development leads the planning and constructions of circular economy system play an advisory role in the practice of innovation.
Keywords: circular economy; strategic plan; leading plan; the system construction(收稿日期 2016-04-05)
廉波1, 常相军1, 邱明琦2, 刘静2, 鲍亚杰2
(1. 山东省商务厅, 山东 济南 250002;
2. 山东省再生资源协会, 山东 济南 250014)
摘要: 再生资源回收体系建设作为生态文明建设的重要组成部分和产业发展基础,在“十三五”时期面临着良好的发展机遇和诸多挑战。以国内再生资源回收体系建设为对象,提出了“十三五”时期再生资源回收体系建设的指导思想、主要任务和保障措施。
关键词: 再生资源; 回收体系; 建设; 探讨
中图分类号: F731.2; X705 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0019-05
Discussion on the target of recycling system construction
in the 13th Five-Year period
LIAN Bo1, CHANG Xiangjun1, QIU Mingqi2, LIU Jing2, BAO Yajie2
(1. Shangdong Province Department of Commerce, Jinan 250002, China;
2. Shandong Province Resource Recycling Association, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract: As the component and industrial basis of ecological civilization, recycling system construction is faced with opportunity and challenges in 13th Five Year period. It put forward the guideline, main task and supporting measures for recycling system construction in 13th Five Year period.
Keywords: recyclable resource; recycling system; construction; discussion(收稿日期 2016-07-25)
魏爽, 郭燕
(北京服装学院, 北京 100029)
摘要: 开展旧衣回收及再利用教育应从小做起,每一个孩子背后都有一个家庭,对孩子的教育可以使一个家庭建立起旧衣回收及再利用的观念。从校服回收再利用教育现状、校服使用及淘汰现状、校服回收意愿及方式3个方面开展调查研究。结果表明:北京市拥有庞大、稳定的废旧校服数量,大多数废旧校服没有得到回收利用。应加强北京市旧衣回收体系建设,增加回收渠道,加强回收再利用教育,使得废旧校服得到妥善的回收利用,达到节能减排、绿色经济的目的。
关键词: 校服; 回收; 再利用; 教育
中图分类号: X799.3 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0024-04
Recycling and reusing education present situation investigation of
the primary and middle school students of Beijing
WEI Shuang, GUO Yan
(Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China)
Abstract: To carry out the old cloth recycling and reusing education should start from a young age. Every child has a family behind, and the education of children can make a family to establish the concept of recycling and reusing. In this paper, we carry out the investigation and study in three aspects, including the re-use of current situation of education uniforms, the current situation of use and eliminated of school uniform, the willingness and manner to recycle uniforms. The result shows that there is a large and stable quantity of used uniforms and most of the old school uniforms are not recycled in Beijing. We should strengthen Beijing's used clothes recycling system, increase recycling channels and strengthen the recycling education, to properly recycle old uniforms and achieve the purpose of energy conservation and green economy.
Keywords: school uniforms; recycling; reusing; education(收稿日期 2016-07-01)
(中国有色金属工业再生资源有限公司, 北京 100191)
摘要: 立足于再生资源行业经营环境的复杂性及提升公司财务管理水平的需要,阐述了构建财务共享服务中心的必要性。从制定财务共享服务中心建设方案;确定业务范围,统一管理标准及工作标准;以业务流程为基础,以信息技术平台为依托,实施服务中心的技术开发3个方面,论述了财务共享服务中心的构建与实施的主要做法,为提升公司财务管控水平、会计工作质量和效率提供参考。
关键词: 财务共享服务中心; 构建与实施; 财务管理
中图分类号: F8; X705 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0027-04
Construction and implementation of large and medium sized renewable resources enterprises' financial sharing center
XU Duolin
(China Nonferrous Metal Industry Resources Regenerating Co., Ltd., Beijing 100191, China)
Abstract: Based on the complex business environment and the demand of improving financial management level of the renewable resources industry, this paper expounds the necessity of constructing the financial shared service center. And, It discusses the main practices of construction and implementation of financial sharing center from 3 aspects, including making financial shared service center construction plan, determining the scope of business and unifying management standards & working standards, and implementing technology development based on the business process and information technology platform. It can be in favor of improving the company's financial management, accounting work quality and efficiency.
Keywords: financial shared service center; construction and implementation; financial management
(收稿日期 2016-06-21)
赵斌1,2, 武晓燕1,2, 魏显珍1,2, 宋运涛1,2
(1. 中华全国供销合作总社天津再生资源研究所, 天津 300191;
2. 天津市电子废物资源再生技术工程中心, 天津 300191)
摘要: 废线路板(WPCBs)是电子垃圾的重要组成部分,具有数量大、潜在价值高、环境危害大的特点,废旧线路板资源化回收具有十分重要的环保、经济和社会效益。首先对WPCBs资源化回收的潜力和产业化前景进行了分析,总结分析了目前WPCBs资源化回收再利用技术的现状及各种技术方法的优缺点,并对WPCBs资源化研究的发展提出建议。
关键词: 废线路板; 资源化; 综合利用; 电子垃圾
中图分类号: X705 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0031-04
Research and prospects of recycling technology of
waste printed circuit boards
ZHAO Bin1,2,WU Xiaoyan1,2, WEI Xianzhen1,2, SONG Yuntao1,2
(1. Tianjin Recyclable Resources Institution, All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Tianjin 300191, China;
2. Tianjin Resources Recycling Technology of Electronic Waste Engineering Center, Tianjin 300191, China)
Abstract: Waste circuit boards (WPCBs) are an important part of electronic wastes, which have the properties of large quantity, high potential value and the high environmental risks. The resource recycling of WPCBs makes important economic value and environmental significance. The potential of recycling of WPCBs was firstly discussed, and then the recycling technology of WPCBs at present was summarized. The technology idea of WPCBs comprehensive utilization was proposed, and the development suggestions in the field of the WPCBs recycling were proposed.
Keywords: WPCBs;resource recycling;comprehensive utilization; electronic wastes(收稿日期 2016-08-05)
余辉1, 吴军莲1, 蔡璐2, 周全法2
(1. 江苏省固废监督管理中心,江苏 南京 210036;
2. 江苏理工学院 江苏省电子废弃物资源循环利用重点实验室,江苏 常州 213001)
摘要: 《废弃电器电子产品处理基金征收使用管理办法》自2012年7月实施以来,江苏省在“四机一脑”等废弃电器电子产品的定点拆解及环境管理方面取得了长足的进步。全省8家定点拆解企业的拆解数量逐年上升,拆解工艺技术装备日臻完善,废弃电器电子产品的环境管理日趋规范。对江苏省在“十二五”期间的废弃电器电子产品定点拆解现状和环境管理及“十三五”期间在废弃电器电子产品处理处置方面的工作思路进行综合评述。
关键词: 废弃电器电子产品; 江苏省; 拆解; 环境管理
中图分类号: X705 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0035-04
The appointed disassemble & environment management of waste and worn electrical appliance and electronic products during the 12th Five-Year Plan in Jiangsu province
YU Hui1, WU Junlian1, CAI Lu2, ZHOU Quanfa2
(1. The Supervision and Administration of Solid Waste Center in Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210036, China;
2. Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of E-Waste Recycling, Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou 213001 , China)
Abstract: "The collection & using method of processing fund about waste and worn electrical appliance and electronic products" is put into effect in July 2012. Since then, great progress has been achieved in the appointed disassemble & environment management of waste and worn electrical appliance and electronic products (WEEE) in Jiangsu province. The amount of disassembled WEEE is rising year by year and the disassembling technology and equipment are improved greatly in the eight appointed disassemble companies, and the environmental management has become more and more specification governed by Jiangsu Province Environmental Protection Authority. The appointed disassemble & environment management of WEEE during the 12th Five-Year Plan and the working idea during 13th Five-Year Plan in Jiangsu province have been summarized.
Keywords: waste and worn electrical appliance and electronic products; Jiangsu province;disassemble; environment management(收稿日期 2016-06-17)
宋海军, 马梦娟
(河南工程学院 资源与环境学院, 河南 郑州 451191)
摘要: 分析了沼气生态系统建设在农村经济发展、改善农村生态环境以及解决农村能源问题等方面带来的效益,并从科学发展观的角度,指出了沼气建设在推广过程中存在的问题。
关键词: 沼气建设; 生态系统; 效益; 问题
中图分类号: X71 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0039-03
Discussion on the construction of biogas ecosystem
SONG Haijun, MA Mengjuan
(College of Resources and Environment, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou 451191, China)
Abstract: Benefits from the biogas eco system construction which contribute to the rural economic development, improving the rural ecological environment and solve the energy problem in rural areas are analyzed. And from the view of scientific development and perspective, problems existing in the process of promoting biogas construction are pointed out.
Keywords: biogas construction; ecosystem; benefit; problem(收稿日期 2016-06-15)
(山东省鄄城县环境保护局环境监测站, 山东 鄄城 274600)
摘要: 膜生物反应器(MBR)是一种新兴的污水高效处理工艺,其脱氮效能优化和污泥特性也是相关研究热点之一。研究采用间歇曝气的运行方式提高一体式MBR的脱氮效率,并考察了不同工况下活性污泥浓度及脱氮酶活性,结果表明,间歇曝气有效地强化了MBR的反硝化作用,显著地增强了其脱氮效能,而NH4+-N及COD的去除几乎未受影响;活性污泥浓度增长缓慢平稳,脱氢酶活性因污泥龄的延长有小幅下降,间歇曝气未显著影响污泥特性。
关键词: 膜生物反应器(MBR); 间歇曝气; 脱氮; 污泥特性
中图分类号: X703 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674-0912(2016)08-0042-03
Research on the nitrogen removal efficiency and sludge characteristics of membrane bioreactor under intermittent aeration
LI Xiaoyang
(Environmental Monitoring Station, Juancheng Environmental Protection Bureau, Juancheng 274600, China)
Abstract: Membrane bioreactor (MBR) is an emerging technology for efficient wastewater treatment, and its optimization for nitrogen removal and sludge characteristics is one of the research hotspots. Intermittent aeration was used to improve the nitrogen removal efficiency of the MBR, and the activated sludge concentration and dehydrogenase activity under different conditions were investigated. The results showed that intermittent aeration effectively reinforced the denitrification of the MBR, and enhanced its nitrogen removal significantly, while the removals of NH4+-N and COD were almost not influenced. The concentration of activated sludge increased slowly and stably, and dehydrogenase activity decreased slightly as the sludge retention time extended. Intermittent aeration did not affect the sludge characteristics of the MBR.
Keywords: membrane bioreactor (MBR); intermittent aeration; nitrogen removal; sludge characteristics
(收稿日期 2016-06-02)